
A metal toolbox.
Image via Wikipedia

I am often asked about what tools I use for maintaining contact with Twitter and which my favorites are. I decided to create this resource page to act as a toolbox for readers of this blog.

Reading & Writing

I do still use the web version of Twitter occasionally –

By far my favorite web based Twitter editor is iTweet

The editor I use most of the time is a desktop application called TweetDeck

Follower & Following

There are a few tools that can help with the management of a growing Twitter network. My personal favorite is Twitter Karma

A tool that is extremely good for finding new people to follow is Mr. Tweet


Whether you are engaging in Twitter for business, personal branding or just for fun you probably have particular topics that you are most interested in. While you can simply use the search built into Twitter at there are tools to make it easier.

The one I use most is Tweetbeep, think of it as google alerts for Twitter.

These are the tools I use the most. I am always exploring new tools as they become available as I pick up new ones I will add them to this list, so check back often and feel free to send me your own favorites.

Image via Wikipedia
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